Greased Lightning Tony Didn’t Have Time To Hear My Thanks (@ Chilcot, 2011)

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31st March, 2013

I have added the below blog post, taken from my now moribund blog (& only slightly amended), due to a twitting reminder by convicted criminal (sorry, you just are) David Lawley-Wakelin (his twitter link.)

22nd January 2011

It might have been my camera. It wasn’t set to high-speed, fast-moving, cat-on-a-hot-tin-roof, avoiding shoe-throwers setting.

After the Iraq Inquiry’s main event of the year as I waited in the QEII lobby for a friend and accomplice in the Blair Isn’t A War Criminal gang, it became clear that others already hanging around were awaiting something. So, ever curious, I hung around too.

Suddenly, after Sir John Chilcot and the other panel members had made their own exits, there he was.  Followed by a few minders, with a score or more police officers around the edges of his threatening pathway, a slim, greying but lithe Tony Blair walked quickly past several dozen variously agenda’d individuals.

I must say – I was relieved to notice his head was still in place.

I wanted a picture but, seeing the result above, perhaps I should have left this. I also wanted to shout at him – yes SHOUT – as is the way with us Brits.  Except that my phrase would have been very different from that of most of the gathered curious.  I’d have yelled –


Unfortunately another bystander had his own message linked to the Iraq issue, though more linked to a corrupt capitalist company which is now linked to Mr Blair as an adviser. All this “linkage” gets kind of wearing.

While I was clicking the camera the corruptcapitalismhater yelled his diatribe of abuse just as the former prime minister was within earshot. And he definitely didn’t say “excuse me” on this occasion. Before I could thank the great man, and before the shouter had shouted his last, he had passed through the police-barred doors and the phalanx of cameras outside and was safely inside his ghostly white car.

So I’m taking this opportunity to thank Mr Blair.  One day, for the umpteenth time and especially for those in careless ignorance, I may even re-list exactly WHY I thank Mr Blair.

Yesterday, after his second appearance at the Iraq Inquiry, and inside his own metallic casing of greased lightning, he left us all in his wake. Perhaps it was ever thus.


Video of Tony Blair’s evidence to the Iraq Inquiry, Friday 2st January 2011. Transcript.


And this is David Lawley-Wakelin’s “excuse me – the man’s a war criminal” rant (for which vain little outing he now has a criminal record).

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Recent comments:

“All countries need a leader who isn’t afraid to fight terrorism. I believe Mr. Blair did a necessary job in helping his allies. Are we all just supposed to lie down and wait for them to come for us, I don’t think so.”

And – “Mr. Blair is one of the finest politicians to have had the privilege of serving the United Kingdom, and Britons are fortunate to have had him as their Prime Minister. Time will show that Mr. Blair’s approach to affairs in the Middle East were and remain correct. From a member of the Commonwealth, thank you, Mr. Blair, for your continued service to legitimate and lasting (and not convenient or politically expedient) freedom.”

AND – “Tony Blair was the greatest Prime Minister since Winston Churchill and the only regret I have he didn’t get my vote as I live in Canada.”

AND – “I am sick and tired of television and radio interviewers asking the same old questions over and over, regarding the decision to go to war in Iraq, presumably they hope Mr Blair will let slip some secret information which they would then use against him. History will show if the decision was the right one, (I believe it was) but people must accept that Tony Blair is an honourable man, and made his decision based on the known facts and not with the benefit of 20/20 hindsight.”